Gabriel’s Phoneography #1: Growing up (or, My On-Off Love Affair with Nokia).


I’ve always wanted to do a comprehensive blog post about the phones that I’ve had since my very first set because I’m an obsessive-compulsive list freak my memory’s getting poorer by the day and I need to list this down before I forget completely austerity.

With the recent announcement that Nokia has been bought over by Microsoft and that the Finnish phone giant’s days are numbered (at least for products branded with the company name) and since most of my earlier phones were Nokia ones, I figured this would be as good a time as any to do it.

Because I have apparently owned every other phone in existence throughout the years, I’ve separated my phone list (or “phoneography”, because I’m totally amazing at this English thing) into two posts. The first spans my first set in my secondary school (or junior high, for those of you not in the Asias) years to the most recent one I had in the army.

Warning: might stir up uncontrollable feelings of nostalgia for some of you. And also indicate your age.

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